As part of our transition to a new head pastor, First Pres conducted a mission study from April to September of 2024. The mission study was approved by our Session in September and presented to the congregation in October.
Click here to find the presentation that contains our mission study, which includes:
a description of the mission study process;
summaries of the information we gathered through a congregation-wide survey, group discussion and reflection activities, person-to-person communications (both face-to-face and by email), and research on the heritage of our church and the history and socioeconomics of the Howard County community;
findings and recommendations of the mission study team.
Also attached are a few of the key documents that informed the mission study:
Two documents that capture the congregation-wide survey that we conducted with support from Holy Cow! Consulting using their Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT):
An executive summary with Holy Cow!'s interpretation of the results.
First Pres expresses its profound gratitude to Holy Cow! consulting, to the members of the mission study team, and to everyone in the First Pres community (members, partners, and neighbors) who provided their input to this process.